Monday, July 6, 2015

First Day of High School!!

Wow! I knew this was coming, but still wasn't ready! How is he so grown up so fast???
Now, if you're wondering why he's starting his freshman year in July, it is because of common core. With the old tried and true curriculum and associated testing Matt scored very very high. But . . . with common core, even though he's an honor roll student, he looks as though he needs extra help.
At first this was quite upsetting, but then I realized the government's mistake is giving my child and advantage. He will have the opportunity to earn 1/2 credit extra this summer, will receive his tablet early, will know Joliet Central High School very well and will know his class schedule ahead as well as where each classroom is located!!
So the error of common core is working to our advantage!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?