Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Firewood Thoughts . . .

Thinking ahead to the soon coming winter as leaves begin falling early (how are leaves already falling in July??) . . .
Looking back at last winter and remembering that we used twice as much firewood as usual . . .
Our wood pile at the homestead is truly pathetic so it's beyond time for us to get this facet of homesteading organized!! Normally we should be gathering wood all year, but don't usually do that. This year has been especially rough as all my time and attention was diverted to helping Matt to transition successfully from private special ed school to public school and then for him to accomplish functioning properly without an IEP. The results in Matt's life far outweigh the items we fell behind on, but now we must begin the process of catching back up while still maintaining all Matt needs in order to continue.
This week, while we await the plumber, we need to reassess the wood pile and begin getting it all spiffed up. We really need two (2) 5'x5' piles of cut logs (how much we used last year) as well as tinder, kindling and medium thick sticks . . .  And my feeling is we'll go through more wood than last year, so . . .
A lot to do with winter coming fast!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?