Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 204/365

Psalm 90:12 Challenge  ~  Day 4/365

       Hi! Hope your day has been blessed and fruitful!!
       As for my journey in this challenge? I need to order more of the Book of John from the Pocket Testament League. I have none to share as I ran out over the winter. I found myself disheartened passing out hats to our local homeless and they are who I share these books with. I'm still not sure what it was that got me down. I put in hours hand knitting original hats so our homeless would be warm but my hats just didn't seem to be wanted the way they usually were previous years. It seemed like the group I usually shared with didn't want hand knit hats . . . And yet, I was able to find a few groups who were delighted. Thinking I allowed the devil to use a few unappreciative people to keep me from doing His will in sharing His love and Books of John.
Never Again!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?