Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Paying it Forward

I have to start with question for you:

What if you and your special needs teen son were homeless?

Now stop a moment, close your eyes and imagine this~ no rush, take a few minutes . . .

A single mom with a teen son cannot stay in a shelter together in the family rooms so you must each grab a mat on the floor of the drop-in room. This means sleeping in a room with many many other people who's lives are in various situations. This also means a very loud room for a teen who can't handle noise.
After a few nights you are back sleeping on the streets, and, while you are at work, your son is wandering the streets, visiting the local library (a popular homeless hangout) and McDonald's (the library and McDonald's offer free Wi-Fi). You eat your meals at local shelters but, as teen males eat like human composters, your son is still hungry the majority of the day.

This is your child. These are your lives and have fallen apart.

And so, may I ask you, as you sit at McDonald's enjoying pancakes and chicken nuggets with your own teen son for father's day  . . .
What would you do when his homeless schoolmate sits down at the next table and only has a dollar to buy a drink?
What, then would you want done for your son?

What did I do? Bought the young man pancakes and chicken nuggets, of course!!  But I do have to admit I waited until we were finished eating. Yeah, God says "go get that young man food" and I say "in a minute". I'm nothing if not consistent. :( I'm still working on that.

Please, think about this then
Pay it Forward

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?