Tuesday, June 30, 2015

New Quilt Top

Hi! Welcome back!!
Check out my new quilt top concept. The idea morphed off of something I saw on facebook. The woman said she colored a little squiggle on a piece of paper every time she paid extra on a bill.
She was having so much fun, but I didn't see the productivity in coloring on a piece of paper. I do, however, really really love making squiggles in my quilting and need a fun way to track this so I came up with my own version . . .
The heart in the center is just because I'm a girl (maybe a girlie-girl sometimes) and, of course, like hearts. Then I came up with my personal list of what I want to track and corresponding colors:

• $ saved/stashed~~ green

• cash earned~~ pink

• barter~~ blue

• extra paid on bills~~ orange

• bless out~~ purple

• bless in~~ gray/black

• tithes & offerings~~ maroon

So far I am having a blast just paying my bills and noticing my blessings. It's amazing what I become aware of when I really begin to pay close attention!!
What do you do to make bill paying and saving money fun?
How effective is your system??

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?