Thursday, June 25, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~~ June 25, 2015

        ~*~ waking in a peaceful neighborhood; a dream (nightmare) that was surely a reminder from God to keep in mind why I bought a house; the remembering of hours Matt and I spent on yard work last night and how our landscape projects are coming together finally; fresh, hot coffee brewing; my sweet teen son; peaceful drive to work and nice chat with Mom; carrots in a shower (please, this is not NYC, an episode of Seinfeld and you are Not Cramer!!!); off in a peaceful setting for a bit; thoughts of a potential fire out back tonight on the homestead; chicken salad on crackers and a bottle of cold grape juice for lunch :] ; project finished and new one started; picking up my Matt at library; so tired I can barely walk; ling hot bath; sweet sweet son; dear friends who sincerely care; that tiny bit of hope and knowing He will work it all out for His Divine Will

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?