Friday, May 15, 2015

Survival Laundry

Good morning!
How are your preps coming? Periodically I step back and reassess where we are vs where I'd like to be. It was at just such a point that I realized I finally had an ideal five (5) gallon bucket to make an after EMP washing machine. The purchase of a cheap new plunger at the Menards on Jefferson St completed our prep.

So, how does this work?
Well, first add a small amount of laundry soap to the bucket then fill 75% with water (temperature is your choice). After adding laundry (not too much laundry or it won't come out clean) simply use the plunger as though plunging a toilet!
Once you feel your clothing is clean, wring it out, dump the dirty wash water and add clean rinse water and fabric softener as needed. Agitate again using the plunger, wring and hang to dry!!!
I will admit I enjoyed this process.
I washed two (2) loads this way and enjoyed actually seeing my clothes getting cleaner.
My clothing also smelled and felt cleaner than when using the Kenmore washer.
Also, this was a nice upper body workout!
I could see how post EMP laundry will be quite simple this way!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?