Friday, May 15, 2015

Homestead Water

Well, happy rainy spring to you!!
A good time to try out options for catching rainwater on the homestead.
As water becomes a commodity in need of wars we would all do well to find ways to secretly collect, filter and store rainwater.
For our humble homestead we are currently using a simple bin (not food grade, just available) and have placed an expandable window screen over it to keep animals and birds out.
I have placed it out back by the patio but away from water running off our asphalt roof as asphalt leaches cancer causing agents into runoff.
As the bin fills we will use the red coffee can to scoop water out into a pitcher to be taken indoors and filtered.
Although it is good to be able to collect this water I will say it is precious little compared to what we need to drink and cook for two (2) people.
I am thinking that we need to get on top of starting the filtering experiments as a truly clean backup water supply would be fantastic!!
And I must say the inside of the bin can get really gross and has to be monitored.
We have not yet used any of this water so I have no information on filtering or taste yet.. . . .
I can say that this tiny step has taken a Huge weight off my shoulders.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?