Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Babylon Thoughts and Homestead Photos . . .

Hello! Welcome back!
I want to share something I read today and would love/appreciate feedback.
Saw good facebook post~~

In the Bible Putin is king to north and Obama king to south (because Obama was born just south of Bible lands). America is Babylon in Revelation as the sin in the US is infecting the world. So Putin will attack and conquer the US before Obama leaves the white house in 2017. As Obama is collapsing Russia's economy Russian citizens will demand retaliation and Putin will invade.

Okay, so I looked up the books of Daniel and Revelations in my Bible, specifically referrals to Babylon, and I can definitely see what the facebook post was referring to.
But, on the flip side, a pastor taught that the Pope was the Harlot in Revelations which conflicts with the facebook post.
In looking at a comparison between Obama and the Pope/ America and Italy I personally think the last Pope was far less corrupt than Obama. The current Pope, however, appears to be in competition in light of his decision to turn his back on God and side with the Palestinians over the Israelis, God's chosen people!!!
So, does the US have more sin? Do we really produce and export more porn than any other nation (I believe 64% of total porn was stated)?? Do we have more greed? Adultery? Fornication?
If He chooses one country that has fallen farthest from the rules for Christian life He has so clearly laid out in His Word and sends plagues and disasters  to that country . . which country will it be?
And, if He will protect those who are following His instructions, where do you stand? Now would be a good time to open our Bibles and double check our lifestyles, gender appropriate clothing and thought/prayer lives . . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?