Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sock Jail Success!!

Well, hello there and welcome back!!! Glad you stopped by as I just finished mating socks and would love to show you the results  . . .
After pulling the 10+ socks from the drying rack, I have close to 20 pairs of mated socks. Matt and I are set for the next week. I owe this to my sock jail. Every time I find lonely clean socks I simply "lock" these in my handy clear zipper bag. Then, every time I do more laundry, I look for potential mates for my lonely socks. As we clean out closets and under beds, assorted lonely socks do turn up ;)
And now . . . ? Well, with another load of laundry in my washer, I will be mating more socks soon!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?