Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 94/365 Hi! How are you? I'm in need of rambling thoughts . . . sitting here sewing pairs of baby shoes, watching "Married at first Sight" and thinking about how I feel . . . . at 51 years young I am sitting here single . . . that really stinks! And yet, as much as I long to meet someone and fall in love instantly, I want a permanent marriage . . . I want someone who's fully committed to working together to create a strong marriage and then work just as hard to nurture and protect it . . . its not a game . . . and should be based on openness and honesty . . . and a combining of two (2) families . . . learning each other's needs and likes as well as those of any children brought into the marriage . . . and I sit here with the most amazing autistic son in the world wondering if a man will come along to love us both . . . . and the issue of dreams we each have for our future and how to combine this dreams yet still respect and compromise differences . . . and acceptance of each others' past (good and bad) . . . I do have guy friends I talk to, but not where I can say any are interested in/ pursuing me consistently and romantically . . . . I need to get out to new places, possibly, where I can meet decent men and, maybe, fall in love . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?