Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Thinking, Praying, Driving . . . As I drive and pray I realize more and more that I truly need to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The actual physical act of leaving Joliet and Illinois creates a huge reduction in my stress, again confirming what He's telling me (and what I've been running from).
Matt and I drive on and on . . . and we pick up tourist information . . . then chat about places we could live happily . . . . . and we find a sweet little town we both like . . . . . There is something truly wonderful about a traveling companion /teen son who is so adventurous . . . . Then we return home . . . to begin our short journey to transform our lives to move on . . . . If you moved across the country, what necessities would you take with you/are worth hauling? What type of home/ lot size do we want/need? What income source will be best? Home business or a job? And so . . . Re-landscaping our current residence . . . Home repairs list to complete . . . Possessions and old personal records to sort . . . . Deep cleaning every corner . . . Painting . . . . And always praying that we stay within His Divine Will!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?