Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Blessing of Mundane Chores Some days I am extra blessed as I am off alone cleaning . . . these are days I treasure (even if I do end up quite stinky from the chore) . . . these are the days I can pray, think, sing and just enjoy all God has given me . . . these are the days I can allow my mind to slowly process through a concept I'm considering . . . as I climb up and down the step stool to scrub window casings and look out over the city I wonder about the future and say a few extra prayers . . . as I bleach the kitchen I think about owning my own business . . . . as I pumice the tub I pray God's will on our lives and our plans. . . . Yes, mundane chores can sure be a blessing . . . Time alone with God to regroup!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?