Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rambles from the Homestead.. Hi. I've been wanting to share with you for a few days but have been a bit . . um . . transitional. See, I've really stepped back and looked at my life and decided some areas are great, yet some have to change . . . you know how that goes . . . sometimes you have to really step back and ask yourself how long this current scenario is really sustainable? Here are a few of my current thoughts in no specific order . . . Sewing~ totally loving this art form!!! It is completely financially sustainable as I've found a way to make acquiring 99% of the supplies free. . . . and, most importantly, it is Fun and a Huge creative outlet. . . . My intention is to create, make and sell a complete line of original one-of-a-kind baby outfits created primarily from upcycled supplies. . . . I am currently looking into resources for pre-1960s patterns for baby clothing, especially those from other countries/cultures . . . I've also begun taking a few business classes at Joliet Junior College . . . non-credit, but a lot of good information I can use to move forward . . . Home~ okay, unfortunately Will County, IL is an agenda 21 county and, therefore, not friendly toward homesteaders. . . . that includes one who may want a pet bunny . . . as I remember my cousin's pet rabbits it saddens me that my son, as well as all children in Will County subdivisions, will never experience that joy . . . and thinking back to a neighbor's pet duck playing in a wading pool in Toledo in the 1970s, yet my son may not have a pet duck here . . . okay, so, as suggested by a city employee, we need to move out of the county . . . I am currently looking into places our lifestyle may be more welcome . . . housing options could easily include farm country in Indiana, a houseboat . . . . it really is important to thoroughly explore all options before making a final decision . . . Religious beliefs ~ this one seems to get tricky . . . we need to be somewhere we can grow as the Holy Spirit leads us without anyone feeling threatened . . in looking at where we are and where we're headed, the choice is beyond logical . . . and, after much prayer and fasting, we know our path and are grateful for it . . . Work~ I do totally love bookkeeping, but I'm really seriously concerned about the cleaning part of my job for this coming summer . . . last summer I had heat exhaustion to the point I would come home almost everyday, take a bath and go right to bed/sleep . . . I do not want to go through that again this summer, but do not currently have a solution . . . I don't want to quit my job and I am concerned about the coming summer months . . I'm at a loss . . . And so . . . I've been in my own little world lately . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?