Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 83/365 Joy Dare~ March 24, 2015 3 gifts spoken ~~ • 2 sweet tenants who shared encouragement in Christ • 1 sweet tenant who shared enthusiasm in live aboard (you all made my day special) A snowy day and a long look at where we are and where we're headed . . . a little spring snow on my daffodils just isn't going to get me down . . . Nope!! Like anything else, it's what you make it . . . and so, the snow is melting into a nice drink for my flowers . . . isn't everything pretty much like that? Even something that should seem like the end of the world may very well be a golden opportunity for a whole new life!!! Life really is what you make it . . . Taking out the trash can be 1) totally gross 2) freshening your home What do you make it? Choose wisely!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?