Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge @ February 10, 2015

My sweet son . . . waking slowly . . . listening to Matt's chatter as he readies for school . . . . raspberry yogurt . . . fresh, hot coffee . . . . Matt being eligible for "Honors Breakfast" at school and finding out this event is every other week . . . having a job . . . time for Bible reading and contemplation before I leave for work . . . Matt catching the school bus . . .  hearing my Mom giggle . .  . being early to work . . . Matt thinking ahead  . . . .  My cubicle . . . errands for work  . . . Spicy guacamole for lunch  . . . a pleasant day doing books and catching up a bit on a backlog of paperwork .  . . Avon sales and braking even .   . . . Matt's sweet smile and hugs . . .
Home . .   . . 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?