Monday, January 26, 2015

Project for Will County Fair

As I quietly watch Ander Cooper 360 I'm  back to working on a project for the Will County Fair  . . I must admit I'm so excited about all my entries. Tonight I'm sewing dozens of pleats into a pretty pink pinafore. I want every stitch absolutely  perfect.
I really really want that rosette!!! Last year I was able to earn  blue ribbon for my upcycled dolly. That was totally too exciting!! I really enters figuring I probably wouldn't win any ribbons and was intending to use the experience to learn the ropes and get a good long look at which projects won which levels of prizes. Matt and I walked the fine arts building over and over foe hours taking so many pictures of projects entered, especially those winning prizes and those that were particularly  interesting /innovative.
This year we're not newbies and I fully intend to walk away with multiple ribbons and , hopefully, more than one rosette. Excellence is important and only my very best work may be entered. What I may think, today, is worthy may be surpassed next week by an even better item I create.  
Yes, I am competing with people from all over Will County, but, more than that, I'm competing with myself.
Excellence is Imperative!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?