Sunday, January 11, 2015

Me ^*^ Day 458

I walked 1443 steps . . . .
Okay, so it's Sunday and I've been sitting on my bed clipping coupons for hours . . Absolutely no exercise there . . Other than my brain melting! LOL
Seriously, though, I've been working on starting my own home business lately. I sat down and took a good long look at my situation a while back and realized this simply can't continue. With the economy in the state it's in (collapsed IMHO), I cannot continue to forever rely on a paycheck from someone else's business. I've had too too many mornings waking worried I would lose my job.
And so . . .? Well, I'm slowly laying a solid foundation for my own business. One step at a time. It may take a while longer, but the point is to keep making solid progress.
Tonight I am going to redo my list of priorities. I really need to look at what makes me happy and where I want/need to be in the next 5-10 years and prepare for the next logical steps toward financial independence!
What are you doing to become more financially independent?
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?