Sunday, January 18, 2015

Homeless Romance

Good morning! Grab a cup of coffee and find a comfy chair. I'd like to have a chat.
A few weeks ago I was sitting at our local McDonald's waiting and relaxing while Matt was hanging out at Boys and Girls Club. I had gone in intending to sip a hot beverage and work on my blog. But one of the many homeless men spoke (most are very kind and respectful) and ended up sitting g at my table telling me his story. His story bares repeating. I'll call him "Ron".
Ron told me about growing up in Ottawa ,IL and how much he admires all their high school has to offer. He told me about jobs he's had. He is currently employed by Labor Ready, when work is available.
Then Ron told me about where he sleeps. He has worked out a deal with a local small business owner. He is permitted to sleep in the back (room?) of this business in exchange for sweeping and general area cleanup. {Mind you, this is not the life he wants and he did ask if I had a room he could rent for $200.00/month}
And Ron, pulling out his hearing aid as McDonald's was getting crowded and noisy, began to tell me about his girlfriend. Yes, a man who sleeps behind a local business has a girlfriend. He met Amy (not her real name) at a local shelter and fell in love. Then she decided she wasn't interested in the programs the shelter requires in order to continue residency there.
She moved to Joliet's train station and set up residency there instead (think a roof, bathroom and heat). Ron said he knew she was cold and bought Amy a blanket at the local Family Dollar and took it to her at the train station. He was worried for her . . . Would she be warm and safe? But that was where she chose to live.
Watching a host of emotions cross his weathered face, I listened as Ron told me how Amy left and he followed her to Aurora, IL and a shelter there. And how he learned she'd moved on to shelters in Chicago.
And we chatted about the possibility of him following her. And the dynamics of not making enough money to rent an actual room, much less afford a train and, potentially, multiple bus rides in order to reunite with a lost love.
Soon it was time for me to pick up Matt and head home to my warm house, hot supper and long hot baths.
And Ron? Well, I left him sitting in McDonald's warming himself in preparation for a night as a homeless man in the dead of winter and to worry about his Amy.
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?