Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 31/365

Well, it's 11:45pm and the snow is finally steadily falling.  . . .maybe a  glimmer of hope for  my plan to be snowed in with the best son in the world . . !?!?!?!
A really good fire is roaring in the wood stove so my too is 66*F even though the  furnace  hasn't had to kick on in hours . . .
A quick peek out the front window and I see the trees and house are blocking quite a bit of snow from falling on my pretty car . . .
Our wood pile will be sufficient to get us part way through tomorrow morning, I think. . . .  maybe longer . . . then more will be hauled in . . . really wishing we'd  been more on top of collecting scrap wood as that extra wood that provides almost instant heat I a nice cushion and the sight of stacks of scrap can be quite comforting  . . . . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?