Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Be Grateful Challenge ~ January 6, 2015

Salvation . . Answered prayers . . Sweet son . . Snow . . Toast . . . Only sliding half way down the hill in my car . . . A steady job . . Coca-Cola . . Paid exercise . . . The way a derogatory comment can motivate me to move ahead in new ways (new lists being generated) . . . A bowl of chili from Wendy's . . . An unexpected text from a sweet friend . . . Friendship . . . Coca-Cola . . . Peace and security . . . Plotting my takeover of the world . . . Relaxing at McDonald's while Matt hangs at Boys and Girls club . . . Just having a warm house when so many are homeless while we have a -20 to -40°F wind chill tonight . . . he who stole my heart . . . . Home, hot bath, roaring fire, yummy supper, laundry running . . . Having such an amazingly cooperative son . . . CD
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?