Thursday, December 18, 2014

Free Range Children

Hi! Welcome back!
I'd like to tell you about something we're trying at home. Actually, this is pretty how I was raised and so is simply getting back to basics and the solid old standards.
Free Range Children
Yes, children, not chickens!!
For years I have kept Matt close to home as he had a tendency to wander off and, being autistic, this was a concern. I was just at the point of getting a tracking bracelet when he outgrew it!
So . . Two (2) weeks ago I informed him that he was to take his aluminum and walk to Berlinsky's Recycling to cash in, then stop at Derald's Flea Market and see what they have. Matt looked at me like I'd completely lost it! Was I really going to send my (13-year-old) baby to walk three (3) blocks carrying his own recycling??!
Yup!!! It was time for him to be a teenager ....
And, as recycling is a business he runs on his own, I decided it was time for him to take responsibility for getting all the crushed beer and pop cans (he has many kind folks who give him all their cans regularly) to Berlinsky's on his own!! I told him to call periodically and let me know where he was, but, please, go be a teen. He did ask if he could take a friend along (yeah, he's been home too too long!!), and, of course I said yes, go be a teenager!!!
So . . .
He gathered all his bags of aluminum (5) and picked up a buddy, then they walked to Berlinsky's ($9) and Derald's (he bought gummy worms). He called me to ask if he could go to his friend's grandpa's then the friend's mom was going to give them a ride to/from McDonald's. Then they sat in our yard and talked a while.
I would say this went really well, although he did call a lot to check in. It was really good for him to get out and just be a teenager. We have taken this on as a new lifestyle/ returned to the way I was raised.
Have you tried Free Range Children with your family??

Sent from my T-Mobile Android device


  1. I raised my kids that way. They would walk a mile to the corner, catch the city bus, and go into town to the library or to visit a friend. I'm raising two grandkids now. Girl is 13 and rarely leaves home. She does have a friend about a mile a way and will sometimes walk over there. Boy, 12, on the other hand goes! He has one friend who lives 5 miles away and he will ride his bike over there. He has another just 2 miles away. He will ride or walk to that friend's house. I want them to tell me the basics of what they are doing and to be home by dinner.

    1. Yes, they need to get out and experience their little world. They're old enough to make responsible decisions and just go have fun!!
      I'll admit he's done a couple bone head things since we started this, but is learning from his small mistakes and maturing quickly.
      I will admit, though, that living in a small-ish town makes this decision easier. Although . . . even if we lived in NYC or Chicago, he'd still need to learn how to handle himself on his own.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?