Thursday, December 25, 2014

A New "Word" for a New Year

As 2014 winds down most of us either choose a new year's resolution or a "word". I, myself, opt for a word for each coming year.
For 2013, my word was "organize" and I did everything I could to put it into action in every phase of my life possible. I sorted, mentally and physically, until I felt way more in control of my life.
For 2014, I opted for one word used two ways~ "deliberate". I spent this last year deliberately deliberating!!! This method of thinking everything through has brought me to a place of starting my own line of hand sewn designer baby clothes among other things.
As I look ahead to 2015, I have decided on "attraversiamo", an Italian word meaning "to cross over". For me this means to step out in faith/ stop holding back in fear of failure/getting hurt again. It's simply time to move on to a better life.
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

1 comment:

  1. I am loving looking back at this post and where I was this time last year!! So much accomplished and so much more to do . . .


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?