Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 334/365

Good morning! Hoping your morning is peaceful. As so much utter insanity spreads across the country our lives are all changing and the terms "safe" and "peaceful" don't seem such an attainable given any longer.
Daily I find my perspective changing and must be proactive as events in the US unfold. In watching riots that have spread across the country I have, unfortunately, eliminated some areas I used to deliver Avon to and will simply have to have those customers come to my home to pick up brochures and products. The risk of being white in a black neighborhood is too high. Sad but I have to consider my family's safety first. Maybe my lovely customers will enjoy stopping by?
And, as radiation levels across the country seem to be rising (probably a product of t continued Fukoshima meltdowns), we are trying to remember our nascent iodine to cleanse and protect our bodies.For the next three mornings we will be back to three drops in water before breakfast, then one drop every morning after that.
And at bedtime? Well, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water eliminates a good portion of consumed fat!! We did a weigh-in last night and the results were unpleasant. . I think the stress lately has affected us. And, honestly, my focus has been on refinancing the house and not at all on our health. Definitely time to get back on track!!
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?