Sunday, October 5, 2014

Watching Storms Roll In and Out

Sometimes my work station is such that I am blessed with a great view of so many things. On this particular day it was storm clouds and reminded me of life a bit.
As we go through life there are many storms for us to weather. This simply can't be avoided no matter how hard we work . even when we feel we're giving 100% to something important to us. The storms are just opportunities to grow. At the moment I feel myself in the middle if a huge very odd storm. And there seriously seems to be no easy way out. I simply have to ride it out and see where it goes.
Now, mind you, I feel overly and abundantly blessed right now despite this odd storm. Matt and I have a humble yet comfy home and we have just enough income to satisfy our needs plus a few small extravagances.
I think the key to riding out storms is trusting in God and remembering how many other truly odd storms He's helped us through in the past. I know Matt and I will be just fine. We have both survived plenty of these storms and will land on our feet.
You can do the same!
God lives you and will be there for you.
Ride out the storm with a smile . . .
And enjoy the new adventure awaiting when the sun comes back out!!!!!
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?