Monday, October 13, 2014

Prepping with Injuries?

Have you considered the possibility of serious injuries needing surgery during a SHTF scenario?
As I await a doctor appointment to deal with a bruised ankle due to a screw installed due to a previous (1977) injury, it occurs to me that Matt and I have no real medical training. And I can almost guarantee there are no doctors living in my neighborhood so there would be no one but ourselves to turn to in a true emergency.
We do have a pretty extensive EMT first aid book but have not done more than shelve it for future use. As I sit here in pain and know I probably need surgery, I am realizing we need to read through that book and assemble more supplies. Might also be a good idea to practice some techniques so we're comfortable.
Hmmmmm. . . . .
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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?