Thursday, August 7, 2014

Re-landscaping the Homestead

Good evening! How are you? It's 78F here with a pleasant breeze.
Tonight I finally got around to mulching along our driveway. This little burm is over a four (4) foot deep drainage trench filled with gravel so needs extra pampering at times. I add the mulch to hold in moisture and to dress up this tiny area.
The mulch always has a huge impact on how our front parkway looks. Almost gives us a more dramatic look! Even so, this small change will actually draw attention away from our humble homestead. That is exactly what we want~ for people to just drive on by. This may sound odd, but in these perilous times, it is essential to not have people take note of what you may have or how you live.

Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?