Friday, August 22, 2014

Psalm 77

As I was deep cleaning very beautiful wood trim 104.7 WBGL mentioned Psalm 77 and how we need to remember all God has already done for us/times He's come through when we lay awake in worry.
This really spoke to me as I have been worrying a lot lately, sometimes to the point of being physically ill from it. There are mornings I wake so worried it takes an hour to calm down and get out of bed!
Then I remember that He may very well be using this uncertain time to strengthen me for what's to come... I'm beginning to think He's got me in some sort of extreme training as though I will be living as though it's 1620...
I know He's always with me and won't give me more than He and I can handle together.
I am quiet and remember all the times He's been there for .e when there was no one else to count on!
Peaceful in His love...
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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?