Thursday, August 28, 2014

Knitting and Relaxing. . .

Okay, so I have beautiful colors and found a pretty stitch pattern. . . And it's a simplistic pattern yet looks really pretty on the app. . . Okay, so explain to me why I can't get this right!?!?!?!?
Yes, I do realize I'm trying to knit on breaks at work and at home while trying to parent. . . So there's no possible way to completely concentrate. . . . I have actually torn out my stitches three (3) times today. . .
This has now become a "thing". . . that's when you begin losing to an inanimate object and absolutely have to turn it around and Win. . . .
I will get this pattern down to the point of being able to knit it without looking AND will end up with a hand knit hat of blue ribbon quality for next year's fair.
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?