Thursday, August 21, 2014

1st Premium at Will County Fair!!!

I am so excited!!!!
My up-cycled dolly won 1st Premium at the Will County Fair!! How cool is that????
It's so exciting to have the quality and design recognized by the judges. There were about five (5) total rag dolls entered. The others all looked to be completely hand sewn, although it's not possible to actually touch these as all entries are locked in cages. I will be making more up-cycled lovies so will save the fanciest to enter next year!!
Also, it was fun to wander the Fine Arts Building looking at all the entries to get ideas for next year. It's all well and good to see the list of possibilities in the Will County Fair Book, but actually seeing items entered perks up the imagination. I also realized there are other areas where I am quite proficient and could easily make and enter a nice project next year.
I also have to admit that I was amazed at how few entries there were in some categories like home canned foods and baked goods as I thought there would be way more! And let me tell you, there were So many entries in the Lego and Photography categories! Wow!!! Competition is quite stiff there!!
There were quite a few sets if hats and neither of the hats I entered won anything. I talked to a lady there who said it depends on the judges each year and what they are looking for. I think this year was more intricate stitches where as mine were intricate color patterns, bead work and creative design (I knitted basic tight stitches for warmth for the homeless). I will enter more hats next year, but am not sure if I will knit toward ribbons or not... maybe ;-)
See you at the fair!!

Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?