Sunday, July 6, 2014

Prepping for Civil War

As our country careens closer and closer to civil war it us heartening to know , due to my choice that my family live a more simple lifestyle than most, we will be able to survive with little interruption to our daily lives. I can not say we are completely ready for the USA to shut down, as in war, but our skills and provisions will allow us to survive.
As Americans become more and more dissatisfied with president Obama's regime and his apparent intent to become the USA's first dictator, every citizen here would do well to reassess their ability to survive without basics like grocery stores, electricity, gas stoves, gas stations, and city water. The government has the ability to shut it all down and we all need to be aware of the control they really do have over such conveniences.
Don't cave in to their bizarre demands...
Prepare your family!!!
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?