Sunday, July 20, 2014

Joy Dare ~*~ July 2014

*20th~ a gift in light, dark, shadow~~
Asia's sweet face in the sun from church nursery window; all that will eventually come out in the light; shade on Lake Renwich Preserve trail
*21st~ 3 gifts of story~~
*22nd~ 3 gifts understated~~
*23rd~ a gift high, low, far away~~
*24th~ 3 gifts of sand~~
*25th~ 3 gifts of endings~~
*26th~ 3 gifts fresh~~
*27th~ a gift on vacation, at home, in relaxation~~
*28th~ 3 gifts of beginnings~~
*29th~ 3 gifts together~~
*30th~ 3 gifts heard~~
*31st~ 3 gifts difficult~~
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?