Sunday, July 6, 2014

Clipping Coupons

Hi! Welcome back! Yes, I'm still clipping my backlog of coupons.. this is what happens when you don't clip these as they come in.
Honestly, though, my clipping has been interspersed with jaunts down the hall to check on Matt's progress crushing cans and doing his laundry ad well as two(2) trips out back with the trimmed to address the lawn and weeds.
Still in all, I feel like I'm making good progress. I think I have about twenty (20) sets if coupons to clip... hopefully tonight. As I clip I'm making mental note of what coupons I have so I'm. Prepared to match coupons to sale flyers.
Also, ad school supplies for a year run on average $140.00, I'm watching very very closely for sales and coupons to match up and cover that cost as cheaply as possible!! I wonder how low I can get that expense??!
How about you? What's your current coupon challenge??
Sent from my T-Mobile Android device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?