Monday, May 26, 2014

Philippians 4:4-7

Okay, last Wednesday night our Pastor asked us to each read these verses every day for seven (7) days. Well, I must unfortunately admit that this is only the third time I've read it. And I can see my rough week would have been better for both Matt and I had I cooperated!
I have to say I have been worrying a lot~ about work (does anyone ever know if they'll still have a job tomorrow in this financial climate??), keeping up the homestead and how the school district will transition Matt from intense special ed classes for ADHD and autism to general ed/ gifted classes in time for him to start high school completely ready...
Rather than simply read these verses then thank and trust God~~
I have been worrying...
And I know better than to behave that way!!
And so now?
I will read this every day
Trust Him
Thank Him for Everything!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?