Sunday, May 18, 2014

Homestead Landscaping Upgrades

I've recently begun planting flowers and trees on our little hill to prevent soil erosion. This has worked out rather well, IMHO, as it improves our privacy (over time) and our property value as well. We have so many tiger lillies, iris and dafodills we aqquired from family heirloom plants that we are positively overflowing with blooms a good part of the summer!
When we first moved in we simply stuck most in the front parkway to fill a huge ugly barren void. Now these plants have multiplied and I'm having so much fun thinning them out while using many to naturalize out little hill. Eventually I'd like the hill to be covered in blooming flowers as well as a variety of trees, bushes and flowering vines.

We have a wide variety of trees, herbs and flowers giving our homestead an interesting palette of colors and textures.

Recent upgrades to the grey water gardens are going 'swimmingly' and we hope to move the old chicken run to the back of the lot soon (in case we get a puppy) and continue landscaping along the grey water creek bed, possibly even adding a patio, fire pit and bar-b-que pit over time!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?