Friday, May 23, 2014

Be Grateful Challenge~ May 23, 2014

Peaceful morning; cool breeze; sweet son full of hugs and kisses; fresh, hot coffee a la Matthew; taking last of antibiotics for tooth infection (and praying infection is truly gone!); Matt happily hauling out all the recycling; having very basic cable turned back on so I can watch the news (so glad they finally have realistic prices!!); few dishes washed (do gremlins sneak in at night and dirty my dishes??); wearing nice clothes to work; all grandkids in office; Yoplait strawberry yogurt, Asian pear; Arizona green tea; peanut butter on a spoon; catching up paper work; cleaning my cubicle a bit; chat w/ Mom; Menards w/ Matt; trying to fix front fence neighbor's adult 'children' pulled apart; patient son when I'm tired and grouchy; missing my friend, Donna Lineman so bad it hurts; dinner a la Matt; pj's and my pillow; finished reading 'Overspent Americans'; texts from sis; thoughts on downsizing my life evn more (how much less $ can we live on?)
Good Night, all!!
Sweet dreams -.-

Laundry started and feeling a bit caught up in that area; not needing a hoodie today;

Peaceful drive to work; good music on Shine.FM 89.7 and singing all the way to work; being early to work (well, only about 8 minutes); doing books today and part of yesterday; having a job; Madison's sweet smile, pretty eyes and beautiful reddish-brown hair; watching Madison talk to her toys (warms a grandma's heart); erand out in the sunshine for work;

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?