Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Taking a Vacation Day?

Well, yes, I am taking a vacation day today as Matt's on spring break and has been sitting in the house alone.
This morning he made an interesting breakfast (his meals usually make sense) and we're now doing a few chores. Matt's folding laundry (laundy fairie's still AWOL) while I'm determined to get back on extreme couponing. I used to dedicate 4-6 hours/ week to couponing for work and home, but allowed a change in work circumstances to stop me in my tracks. Now, although my bosses are no longer interested in the savings, I do need to get back on track with extreme savings for me!
After allowing all coupons in my binder to expire, it's going to be a bit of a lengthy and tedious job to empty the binder then sort coupons and put it all back together. But, in the long run, getting most of our food and cleaning supplies close to free will be worth it.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?