Sunday, April 20, 2014

Numbers 21: 4-12

Sometimes the path He has us on does not seem too logical to us and sometimes it's downright painful. As I've walked the path He's directed me to I've also gone long periods of time with an adequate supply of un-tasty food. And, yes, like the Israelites, I murmored. (Okay, I complained loudly.)because I was totally unappreciative of all He was doing for me my life became even more difficult.
Only when I learned to evaluate my situation based on His word did my childish fussing decrease. I won't say it stopped as I'm human and I still fuss, but I'm able to stop and re-evaluate my situation now. And, if the hardship is part of needed growth due to what He's asked of me, I sincerely try to stop grumbling and thank Him.
And, as not every hardship is due to obedience to God, there are times when I have to step up my game and change a situation causing hardship to myself or my family.
I'm thankful God hasn't sent any fiery serpents after me when I fuss like a small child!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?