Thursday, April 24, 2014

Knitting~ Praying~ Thinking

As I sit here knitting so I can relax and fall asleep...
and wondering how life can seem to be getting so much better...
and yet so twisted...
and feeling thankful for the mp3 player someone gave me out of the blue today (how sweet was that??)...
and those cool magazines someone gave me for Matt (a cool guy needs cool magazines!)...
and I feel so blessed...
and yet...
there is that nagging feeling that something is lurking...
and the realization that doing what is my responsibility can lead to hard feelings...
and yet...
there is the euphoria of bills paid (some early! WooHoo!!)...
and knowing we have a good bit of firewood stacked for 2015...
and the house is getting more organized...
and Matt's educational needs are being addressed...
and my friend who's chosen to be MIA for now needs to know she's still loved even if she's a pita sometimes...
so, as we settle in for the night, I leave it all in His capable hands...
all is well in His care.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?