Tuesday, April 29, 2014

As I sit quietly knitting so Matt can have extra time at Boys and Girls Club I find myself wondering...
does anyone out there know how long it takes a figurative house of cards to finally fall? I mean, I sit back in amazement at the size of this particular house of cards and all that was invested in it's building. Can these situations really go on virtually forever?
And yet, I know deep in my heart, that eventually it will all fall.
Everything we do comes back (is it ten-fold or seven-fold?) on us. And so this house of cards will eventually collapse and many lives will be impacted.
And change will come.
Things will get better for those who follow Him.
And the builders of the house of cards? Well, we reap what we sew.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?