Thursday, March 6, 2014

Planting a Future... Alone?

As I head into this next stage of my life and begin to lay a foundation for things yet to come, I am amazed that, after receiving marriage proposals from two (2) different men whom I thought were serious, I am, six (6) months later, still single and with no real male-female relationship type attention. That after all that went into each realtionship I am getting ready to, once again, lock-down and go it alone!
I'm at the point of taking the make-do's of my bare existence and turning each into a God-honoring truly fulfilling future of self-respect. I long for a godly man to help me serve the Lord as two (2) can accomplish so much more than one (1), but I am learning to be satisfied with what I have. What I have for right now is me. And I am quite content most of the time without a mate.
Truly I am seeing that it is much better to be single and happy than married to a man who: disrespects, ignores, talks down to, hides from, cheats on... ... me.
Single for now.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?