Saturday, February 15, 2014

Total Surrender to God...

I'm currently reading 'The Purpose Driven Life' and am on day 10 ' The Heart of Worship'.
As we missed Christian education classes and church service todat due to my fall at work Friday night, we are doing our study at home. I read part of Day 10 with Matt and we are discussing what we each feel we still need to surrender to God and what we can do to just let go. This time of Bible study as a family is important as it cements our relationship as a family and as a family in Christ.
For me it's trusting Him to lead me to a healthy way to make enough money (not excess) to cover our needs. For Matt, it's friends~ trusting Him to solve issues and bring justice.
What do you still need to surrender?

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?