Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 52/ 365

The snow on our humble homestead has melted quite a bit! I'm grateful as I desperately need spring. I need the starting over of planting and transplanting. This is the same as with my life and little family. The planting of sound Biblical principals measured out with firm discipline. The transplanting to better surroundings whether it be a freshly cleaned home or flower filled landscaping. Yes, I am very ready for spring and the freshness of it.
Also, I find myself longing more and more for a fresh fire, a fresh outlook on my Bible studies. Matt and I are going to start new studies with a firmer 'schedule' of study to ensure we are getting into the Word daily as a family. The renewing of our souls daily. The remembrance of His plan for us and how He expects us to live daily is so critical.
Yes, I'm ready for spring.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?