Monday, January 27, 2014

Thinking About "Crossing Over"...

So, my day today has been a series of mental and written lists and notes about where I am vs where I need to be. Long range I would love to own my own business (beyond Avon) and am considering the pros and cons of each possible option. I had thought owning a small coffee shop would be fun, but, after 2 1/2 days sick in bed, I realized that sort of store-front business just isn't a good idea. Yes, I could hire employees who could, in theory, run things if I happen to get very sick again, but I don't want extra hands in the till, so that idea is out.
Currently I am thinking along the lines of a rooming house, but that is down the road a bit and, for now, I'm concentrating more on immediate projects.
Nice thing is that my immediate projects will work towards long-term goals!
Taking over the world one tiny unsuspecting corner at a time!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?