Sunday, January 19, 2014

Knitting Progress...

Knitting and relaxing with my son is a nice end to a good day. Have you ever noticed how, over time, things just all seem to fall into place? And, though it may have looked improbable at best, the most bizarre inane situations are sometimes exactly what you really needed?
It's like that for me many times. Take my job, for example. Initially I felt like I was going to die from the huge change in my job description. But I didn't die. And, over time, I've begun to see how the change has been a HUGE blessing in my life, primarily because I have so so much mental free time! You seriously would not believe how many personal plans I can think through during an eight (8) hour day. I have planned and re planned my retirement. I have mentally spent and re spent my future tax return. I have mentally re landscaped my lot using 99% what's already planted here.
Yes, anything, any situation, can be a blessing if you look at it the right way...
Go forward for Him and be blessed!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?