Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Knitting as We Settle Down to Sleep

As night settles in on the homestead I'm knitting and Matt's busy with his Legos. I'm super tired tonight and having a lot of coughing fits (thanks to someone's cigarette smoke) so am taking it easy. However, even as I knit, I am accumulating items to sell at craft fairs. As a single mom there's simply very little true down time as even in down time I am re-assessing our current situation and looking for new ways to move ahead.
The end goal is to raise a solid God-fearing man (a man after God's own heart) and provide a stable happy home life. What does this look like? For us it's always thinking WWJD... How would Jesus perceive our actions? Can we explain our behavior to God?
And on the point of our home life? For now it's our humble homestead. I was getting a bit ahead of God and planning my next home and major home business. Enough of that for now. I must be content here and finish what He has sent me to accomplish...
Isaiah 40:31

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?