Saturday, January 4, 2014

As a Deep Freeze Grips the US...

As the cold descends and brings its jolly friend, snow, we're so grateful for a warm home, good food and true friends! The closeness of our little family makes even these harshly cold and blustery days fun.
Making the craziness of 2013 seem more like a game, and winning creatively the only option, is how we get through it all.
And, as 2014 begins we look at this little cold and snowy spell as a test of our preparedness. To see my son confident that, no matter how bad the weather gets or if Joliet has no electricity, we will still be warm and have sufficient food is truly awesome! The sense of security our small lifestyle changes have provided is immeasurable.
As we march into 2014 we have many changes to the homestead and our lifestyle in general planned in order to provide new experiences, build skill levels and make our lives better.
What are your preps for cold weather? Power outages? Plans to better yourselves in 2014?

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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