Sunday, December 29, 2013

29F in Joliet, IL

Well folks, in the last 1 1/2 hours the temperature has dropped from 33F to 29F!
We are on a quick decline toward our projected -2F for overnight tonight.
And with a windchill of -10 to -20F, this cold front is going to be nothing nice!!
So far, since we started the fire, the furnace has not kicked on! And, for a bit, the house was getting overly warm.
We have entered a critical zone on the homestead. We have to keep the fire properly stoked to keep all rooms toasty
and the furnace OFF!
From here on until morning I need to be watchful, keeping just the right amount of wood in the stove.
Here at the homestead we have turned surviving the 2nd Great Depression into a game:
Keep bills as low as possible...
Have as much fun as possible...
Share what we've learned
So you can have fun too!!!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?