Friday, January 18, 2013

Rudeness Passing as Acceptable Behavior

It is so amazing to me the number of people and organizations that not only
condone rude behavior
from administrators, leaders and members,
but actually encourage it!
And, if you are offended by the way you are treated, thay actually tell you it doesn't matter how you are treated and you should just grow up and deal with it.
I am thinking I am simply from another era, maybe another planet. I just don't see how it is acceptable to be rude to anyone. Now I have my bad days, too. We all do. I have days that I must apologize to my son for snapping at him. I have days where I apologize in advance to those around me as I'm so tired, grouchy, burned-out or fed up that I am not at my best.  
Yet, it does seem that rude, cold, hard streetwise treatment of others is the accepted normal in the USA. In what was once a polite Christian nation it is now okay to treat others any way you want.
If they are your employee, they have two (2) options: deal with it or find other employment. With jobs difficult to find, many choose to just put up with the maltreatment.
If they are your 'friend', they simply need to find new friends that are true friends.
If they are your family members, they can limit contact.  
For myself, I find it distressing to watch what our nation has become.
Wouldn't it be nice to see an
outbreak of polite behavior?!
we could each begin to
pay forward
kindness and a polite manner
even before we receive it?
Start an

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