Thursday, July 26, 2012

Patience in the Lord

I sit in here and there... 
and I do this and that... 
and I wonder when... 
when will it all finally come together? 
I have a plan... 
My plan always gives Him a chuckle! 
  Sometimes my plan gives Him a full belly laugh! 
And then I remember to pray and fast and seek His will... 
The praying and fasting is a trial, but it is good... 
And when He takes something/ someone away from me it's because He says I deserve better... 
And yet that is sometimes very hard to deal with... 
the letting go and starting over His way. 
And I pray and fast and ask myself, "do I do these things to make him happy 
to make Him happy?" 
And I think that is what this fast is about~ following Him to him. Following Him so that he can find me and so that he has to follow Him to see me. 
Isn't that the path I wanted anyways? 
The path I was on before it all got so convoluted into pleasing him. 
Back when every step I took on the homestead was for His purpose. 
And so, 
I head back to that path. 
The right path.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?